Doug's Easter Trivia & April Staff Highlight

brandon acafe staff

Staff Feature: Brandon Cuilo

If you’ve been to the cafe, you’ve probably met Brandon and if you haven’t, come by and say hi!

He’s been with us a long time and we are grateful to have him as part of the a-cafe family. Here’s some info about him:

1. Where are you from? Long Island, New York

2. How long have you lived in Summit? 14 years

3. How long have you worked at the cafe? 13 years

4. Favorite meal at the cafe? Turkey Melt

5. Favorite Summit County activity? Finding lost pets! (Check out Brandon's non-profit Summit Lost Pet Rescue)

special acafe easter menu

Doug’s Easter Trivia

To continue with Doug’s love of trivia and celebrate the upcoming Easter holidays, we have some trivia AND a special Easter menu coming for you.

  • Why does Easter move around?

    Easter is always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox. What a mouthful! But even though the spring equinox is always the same day the date of the full moon moves every year. 

  • Why are jelly beans, eggs, and rabbits all symbols of Easter?

    Well, Oester was the pagan goddess of fertility and her symbol is the rabbit, so naturally, the holiday named after her represents eggs as fertility and rabbits as her symbol. The jelly beans are just a fun way to signify the eggs and to have a sweet treat on Easter Sunday.